Our team
With their passion for interesting construction puzzles, durable materials and practical feasibility, Anja, Iwein, and Elena deliver customised, professional projects.

A complex construction puzzle? Yes please! Anja loves challenges. Her passion and genuine interest in the story that people have to tell translates into personal architecture projects with a keen eye for detail. Anja excitedly pours over any construction challenge and always succeeds in finding an unexpected solution.
#Creativedrawing #Beekeeper #Powermama #Bauhaus #Sagmeister #MichaelCraig-Martin #earlgrey #Nasci #JohanJohansson #cookingisrelaxing

The best way to describe Iwein is by these three Ps: practical, punctual,and project-oriented. With his experience and technical sophistication, Iwein ensures professional excellence. His interest in sustainable materials, NZEB-building (Nearly zero-energy buildings), proper plan organisation, and repurposing of existing elements is a recurring theme in his projects.
#Loveformaterial #Cabinetmaker #Dadoffour #pragmaticdreamer #dreamingpragmatist #cyclist #isuglybeauty?

With her international profile and keen expertise, Elena completes Sept-A. She acquired a lot of experience abroad and deepened her knowledge on subjects such as sustainability and recovery. Elena is eager to learn, solution-oriented and always considers all the possibilities until she finds the perfect solution.
#italianroots #nopasta #lifeincolours #peoplehavethepower #passionate #designfocusedimpactware

Since April 2021, Esther, a talented trainee architect from France, has been working on designs at Sept-A. She focuses on looking at things and designs from the client’s perspective, taking a creative view of increasingly scarce space. At Sept-A, Esther wants to deepen her knowledge of upcycling, recycling and circular construction and translate it into exciting projects.
#Française #lovecooking #outdoorgirl #hiking #nordicskiing #discoveringnewcultures

When we find ourselves stuck in the design process, need to make decisions, or answer difficult enquiries from clients? That’s when we literally and figuratively create space, by going for an inspiring walk with Mithras. Our ever enthusiastic and happy Boston terrier is our stress coach, faithfully standing by our side every day at Sept-A.
#happydog #stresscoach #playmate #mansbestfriend #lightsnorer

Sept-A Starten was een simpele beslissing. Het was de enige manier om er zeker van te zijn dat we zouden kunnen doen wat we altijd al hebben willen doen. Anderen helpen bij hun zoektocht naar beter leven.